Wethepeopletruth Political Revolution

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We are offering an opportunity to become a part of a new and innovative political web site which is not only unique, but also potentially extremely profitable and beneficial to the voting public. 

This is a one-time opportunity.  Any involvement with our company will require a review by your Attorney and ours prior to any investment and/or involvement.

Information in respect to our proposals are found below: 

Here are some of the services we will offer:

The following procedures, processes and directions for the new web site WETHEPEOPLETRUTH.COM was mailed to the US Copyright Office on November 17, 2009 (actually overnight starting November 18, 2009 via Federal Express ticket number:

851760453035 - Proposal one dated 09/09/17 (November 9,2009). Certification from the US Copyright Office in respect to all data and statements revealed herein has been received - this site and its information has been registered with the US Copyright Office and represents the exclusive intellectual property of Mr. Douglas Grant Reiman.


Web Site Created on February 1, 2010



 © Copyright 2009 by Douglas Grant Reiman, all rights reserved, all intellectual rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced nor transmitted in any manner without the express written permission of the author. The contents herein further represent the work product, invention, research and intellectual property of Douglas Grant Reiman. None of the ideas, research, inventions, associations, conclusions, processes, proposals, nor procedures presented herein may be reproduced, modified, transmitted, nor implemented in any manner without the express written permission of Douglas Grant Reiman.

This document and its contents herein from page 1 to page 30 has been registered with the United States Library of Congress Copyright office. This document was received by the United States Copyright Office via Federal Express on or about November 20, 2009 and certification of copyright has been received by Mr. Reiman from the US Copyright office.

Our Proposed Web Site Will Provide to our Clients for a Small Fee:

 Simply Stated: For a small fee, our voter clients will be provided a computer generated, scientific, unbiased and completely accurate list of those political candidates, proposals and referendums that best match the client’s political and ideological objectives, key issue positions, and best match our client’s political beliefs and opinions. 

 1.  Our clients will be provided the names of all political candidates, referendums and propositions located on the voter’s ballot that agrees with our client’s political questionnaire answers. This "voter to a candidate match up" is accomplished via a completely unbiased and scientifically computer-generated match up between the voter's questionnaire answers and the verified issue positions of the political candidate.

1.a. Our web site will provide a scientific, completely unbiased, statistically correct and computer-generated match or corresponding of a voter’s political beliefs, desires, expectations, key issue positions, and political orientations to his or her best choice ballot political candidates(s) and ballot propositions which have the same, identical or closest political beliefs, key issue positions, desires, expectations and political orientations as the voter client.

1.b.  Our voter to candidate corresponding or matching ideology and opinions computer programs are unique, and are certified completely unbiased, and are further certified to be scientifically and statistically correct. There are no “voter to candidate” matching web sites’ programs in existence that provide nor contain the services we are offering to voters. (See below for more information in this regard).

1.c.  If a Voter wishes to know which candidates on his ballot best match his or her political positions and ideologies, our new web site will instantly provide that information. The Voter will no longer be required to read through, nor try to understand nor decipher all of the political rhetoric and pundit opinions to determine his or her best matching political candidate.

We have named the new web site:

"WE THE PEOPLE TRUTH.COM" and have secured and registered this domain name.

In addition to the services outlined above, our new Web Site will provide the following additional services:

2. The most probable outcome of high-profile selected criminal or civil trials based exclusively on an unbiased and completely scientific computer quantifying of the evidence - including providing quantified prosecutor, defense and Judge efficiency ratings.

3. A thorough, completely unbiased, statistically correct and scientific analysis of the facts in respect to all key contemporary political issues, referendums and propositions - both pro and con, and the resulting unbiased computer quantified conclusions based upon (1) the client’s personal political ideology questionnaire, and (2) a consensus of independent experts.

4. To use our copyrighted questionnaire information we have obtained from our voter clients, without revealing their names to anyone, as a means of political consultation and extremely accurate polling.

4.a. To offer and provide the above said services for all clients and voters in all worldwide democratic nations, on every level, including but not limited to locales, districts, provinces, states, and national elections. Our service will reflect all candidates for all candidate positions on the client’s ballot. This will include but not be limited to Mayors, Councilmen, Judges, District Attorneys, Sheriffs, State Legislators, Governors, Congress-persons, Senators, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, assistant Prime Ministers and all elect able Potentates.

 4.b. To provide the voter client with a "sample pre marked ballot" which the client can print out or download to a computer file which will represent an exact duplicate of the ballot the voter will use on election day. The sample ballot our web site will provide our voter client will reflect all candidates on the ballot pre marked (or otherwise indicated) that scientifically agrees, corresponds or best matches the client’s political issues and ideology based upon the client’s questionnaire answers.


 4.c. To exclusively use a statistically correct and completely unbiased scientific computer matching analysis of the voter’s answers to a copyrighted political issue questionnaire to the actual past candidate’s votes, verifiable public statements, verifiable public representations, to include the candidate’s answers to our (same as the voter’s) questionnaire if applicable, for all candidates on the voter’s ballot. Each candidate on each ballot will be given the opportunity to complete our copyrighted questionnaire. If the candidate refuses to do so that fact will be noted and that refusal provided to the voter client. Upon such an event the candidate’s past votes and verifiable statements and promises will exclusively be used to match with the voter’s questionnaire answers.

4.d. In addition to the above, to further offer a fee based unbiased computer service that will scientifically and statistically quantify and analyze all key contemporary issues, pending referendums and propositions, and thereby provide the client with a quantified percentage probability of whether the key issue is correct, false, or applicable to the beliefs and ideology of the voter client or not. (See examples below)

 4.e. We intend to insure and guarantee all questions on our copyrighted questionnaire have been compiled in the best possible scientific and statistically correct manner possible. We have already established a proprietary and statistically correct (and what we believe) is an infallible quantifying system to quantify our questionnaire questions and our related match up programs. However, to insure our statistically correct and unbiased scientific quantifying procedure, our company will hire prominent statistical experts (normally University Math Professors with a Doctorate Degree as we have done in the past in respect to our casino 21 systems) to insure the best possible unbiased and statistically correct quantifying or valuing of our questionnaire questions and our related matching programs. The final expert recommendations and directives in respect to questions on our questionnaire, and related computer programs, are presently the exclusive properties of the authors, but will be transferred to the new company that is hereby being proposed.

4.f. To charge a nominal fee (presently proposed to be $25 per questionnaire per voter client with additional charges for all other additions to the match search) for the above services, and/or to provide such matching candidates/voter services in any other profitable or income producing manner.

4.g. To provide to all of our clients an unbiased and comprehensive free voter registration help service. Moreover, to provide free car pooling information based upon compatible political beliefs and ideals for all districts on election day. If our clients wish to do so, they can ride to the election polling locations on election day and meet and mingle with people that are in general agreement with their individual political beliefs and opinions. (We believe this service should qualify for Government funding if this element of our company is strictly maintained completely independent of all other profit elements).

 4.h. In addition to the above, to further offer a fee based unbiased computer service that will scientifically and statistically analyze all evidence in high-profile selected criminal and civil trials, and will thereby forecast the expected outcome of the trial, and the quantified efficiency rating of the prosecutor, defense lawyer, and Judge. (See examples below)


5.  In the United States alone it is estimated that about half of all registered voter’s vote.


  Half of all registered voters’ vote

 5.a.  Below is the amount of voters that voted in the 2004 election.  We believe this total has increased substantially for the 2008 USA Election, and will continue to increase in the future for the reasons stated below:“U.S. Voter Turnout Up in 2004, Census Bureau Reports   

1. Sixty-four percent of U.S. citizens age 18 and over voted in the 2004 presidential election, up from 60 percent in 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. Tables from a November survey also show that of 197 million citizens, 72 percent (142 million) reported they were registered to vote. Among those registered, 89 percent (126 million) said they voted. In the 2000 election, 70 percent of citizens were registered; and among them, 86 percent voted.

Other highlights from the Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2004 online tables pertaining to the voting-age citizen population:

In 2004, turnout rates for citizens were 67 percent for non-Hispanic whites, 60 percent for

Blacks, 44 percent for Asians and 47 percent for Hispanics (of any race). These rates were higher than the previous presidential election by 5 percentage points for non-Hispanic whites and 3 points for blacks. By contrast, the voting rates for Asian and Hispanic citizens did not change. These data pertain to those who identified themselves as being of a single race

RE: United States Consensus Web Site

5.b.   In the Unites States alone, and although we believe any voter would be irresponsible to NOT use our unbiased voter/candidate matching services, (and we believe  our advertising campaigns will convince most voters of that fact)  even if we hypothetically obtained only 20% of the USA voters for the 2004 election as our clients  in our first year, and considering a nominal total $25 fee per client, our company would gross approximately $630 million dollars for that election year. (126 million voters *20% = 25.2million clients *$25 = 630 million dollars). 

 This hypothetical amount above does not include any revenues from additional fees, nor from  political consultation fees, nor from any fees for criminal and/or civil trial analysis, nor does it include any fees for contemporary and key issue analysis.  For all of those extra services mentioned we can only speculate as to gross income if any, yet still we expect such income to be substantial. 

5.c.  Since there are no real figures to reference to extrapolate the amount of potential clients that would be interested in political consultation, nor high-profile trials, nor key, contemporary issues, it is extremely difficult to provide a precise or even an accurate estimation of our company’s expected gross profit from such services.  However, if you can imagine our advertisements running immediately after cable news or network news programs commenting on such issues, and include  the demographics of the selected media during that period, a general estimation of response to our advertisements can be thereby forecasted: 

5.d.  To eventually create a public company in respect to revenues generated from this new concept Web-based company. 


6.a.  Key issues that are being voted upon by voter’s political representatives are directly,  and in some cases negatively,  affecting the lives of all citizens residing in all democratic nations.

 6.b.   Since the advent of the Internet, and its related web sites and Internet blogs and such, the massive voting populations of democratic nations have suddenly become very interested in, and attuned to, politics. 

6.c.  Recent polls have confirmed that a majority of  voters in the USA  have become angry at their government and its leaders.  They are tired of the constant double talk, lies, deceptions and self-serving acts, not to mention the lack of response to their needs and expectations from their political representatives.  Our Web Site and related programs are designed to provide voters with the plain truth, based upon scientific fact and not conjecture nor partisan hyperbole. 

 6.d.  Recent polls have also confirmed that a majority of voters do not comprehend, understand or even know about various ballot propositions, referendums nor other ballot issues that require their vote.  Most voters rely exclusively on a brief (and sometimes incredibly biased) short synopses of the pros and cons of the proposition or referendum in question once they receive their ballot. 

6.e.  In a disquieting majority of cases,  the so-called “free and unbiased press” of democratic nations have betrayed and deceived the voting public.  Many mainstream network, public, print and  cable media have  become biased or politically myopic, and they openly or clandestinely  campaign for political candidates they have secretly or not so secretly endorsed.    Moreover, many media use one-sided issue harangues and rants riddled with half-truths and other deceptions for the express purpose of boosting ratings.  All of this media deception and bias  lead to a confused, bewildered and betrayed elector population.   

6.f.  In short, political  information in general that is presently available to the voting public has become voluminous,  skewed, one-sided, distorted, confused and biased.  Our new web site and its related unbiased and scientifically computer generated matches between voters and political candidates intends to remedy this unacceptable state of affairs.  Our Web Site (and its related programs and analysis) is and will remain completely nonpartisan, and will exclusively harvest verifiable facts  and verifiable statements of fact from candidates.    

6.g.  We expect our Web Site to eventually become famous for its scientific facts, unbiased analysis and popularity with the voting public. 


7.a.    The voting public is presently required to sift through and decipher voluminous political rhetoric, campaign promises which  are sometimes  based upon utter fraud and false premises, lying and double-talking candidates, and of course,  media bias.  Moreover, the voting public must also reconcile and decipher  voluminous honest debate, mud slinging, political infighting and the deliberate political party propaganda designed to polarize citizens attempting to choose one political candidate over another. 

7.b.   Political parties deliberately polarize their potential constituents  and supporters as they are aware that “passion and anger produce checks” (campaign contributions).  In many political environments, the candidate with the most campaign or personal money prevails.  This unfortunate fact is in spite of  veracity,  or adhering to or coalescing with the desires and expectations of the majority of the voting public.  Dr. Joseph Goebbels, of Nazi fame,  said that “If you tell a lie often enough someone is bound to believe it.”  Unfortunately, in many democratic nations, using vast amounts of campaign funds  to tell campaign lies via voluminous media advertising is a successful campaign strategy.  In contrast, our Web Site will provide refreshing unbiased facts and “match up” analysis that cannot be found anywhere else by the voting public. 

7.c.   Referendums on political issues and “propositions” are being placed in ad nauseam volume on almost every national or regional ballot.  Yet the voting public, for the most part, does not have an inkling  about the true meaning of such propositions, their  hidden effects, their future ramifications,  nor the hidden contents of such propositions, nor which national and local  political representatives are in favor or oppose such said ballot propositions or referendums.  Our Web Site will provide the voter an unbiased analysis of such issues, and will match the voter with his best choice “Yay” or “Nay” vote in respect to each issue, proposition or referendum based upon the voter’s personal political orientation, political desires and expectations.  

7.d.   The voting public of all democratic nations desperately needs  a completely unbiased and proprietary (non government run or influenced)  Internet Web Site that will unbiasedly and scientifically match their political  opinions, beliefs,  general political orientations,  expectations and their positions in respect to key political issues,  with the political candidates that best agree with them,  or best  closely match their beliefs and opinions compared to all other potential candidates in contest for the office.  

7.e.    Such confluence or matching of candidates to voters based upon a like political ideology, opinions, beliefs and expectations  will be based  upon an unbiased, nonpartisan and scientific computer generated matching of confluence and concourse of like ideals, political orientations, expectations, beliefs and voter and candidate positions on key contemporary issues.   

7.f.   Our matching computer program that matches our voter clients with their best choice political candidate   must exclusively and perpetually be founded upon and provided to all voter clients based upon a completely scientific, nonpartisan and unbiased computer program.  Our program is  designed to search, harvest, find, match up and reveal to the voter client  his or her best or worst choice political candidates, in all elections, local, district and national.  There can never be anything subjective nor partisan contained in our matching analysis processes, nor in our trial probable outcome analysis or key issue analysis.  It is essential that our company remain exactingly unbiased, nonpartisan and purely scientific at all times.    


8.a.  The said computer program that will function on the new Web Site will, if necessary,  harvest and update daily all voting records on each issue by all political representatives, local, state and national, (which are available through easily accessible public information data bases and can be downloaded into our database automatically).  The same program will be designed to also harvest and update daily all verifiable political representations and campaign promises from all candidates (incumbent and challenger) in respect to each key contemporary local, district  and national political issue, referendums and propositions.

 8.b.    In addition to the above, all political candidates will be offered the opportunity to complete our copyrighted questionnaire that has been certified statistically unbiased by our panel of prominent statisticians and mathematicians.    This questionnaire will be the same questionnaire our voter clients will be required to complete at our web site.   Our questionnaire will always contain the precise equal amount of right and left (or pro or con) leaning questions on each issue.  Unlike many other political questionnaires, our questionnaire is not, and can never be, surreptitiously designed to elicit a more likely response pro or con from any client.  

8.c.   If political candidates agree to complete our questionnaire, and the candidate’s answers comply with his past campaign promises and/or voting records, then matching the best candidate to the voter client will be a relatively simple and extremely accurate task for our computer programs.  We do not believe any other candidate to voter  matching process could be more accurate nor more scientific.  In either case, a computer automatically harvesting and scrutinizing all information related only to a few thousand candidates represents, in today’s technology, almost child’s play.  

 8.d.    Our questionnaire for voter clients and candidates can be completed on our web site, or completed via telephone, email, facsimile, direct mail, or any other means of communication.  

8.e.    If any client or candidate does not fully understand the question or issue presented on our questionnaire, they may click on a link immediately below the question that states “more information about this issue” and will thereby receive a brief unbiased narrative of both the positive and negative elements of the issue or question.


 9.a.  Political Consultation  

9.b.   Our web site and company will never reveal the names of our clients in any manner.  Nevertheless,  our web site voter questionnaire will possess inherent political polling advantages, abilities and accuracy  far beyond the typical polling abilities and accuracy of any other known polling process.  Our one-hundred and twenty (120) maximum question copyrighted voter questionnaires will provide very specific answers to key issue questions that can be organized and compiled for the benefit of political consultation services.  Our consultation service can be provided candidates without the need to reveal the names of the clients completing the questionnaires.   

9.c.  Example:  A political candidate armed with the knowledge that indicates say, 70% of those voters in his district disagree or agree with any particular issue could very well insure the success of the candidate. 

9.d.    We believe political candidates all over the democratic world will use and benefit from our political consultation services. 


10.  Our company will also provide selected high-profile criminal and civil trial analysis,  and provide our factual analysis and our scientific conclusions in respect to said criminal and/or civil trials available to the public. 

10.a.  Interest in high-profile criminal trials has been steadily increasing since the advent of the highly publicized O.J. Simpson trial.  That particular trail achieved an amazing interest from citizens from all over the world, including Europe.  However, due to the residual criticism and recriminations in respect to the O.J.Simpson trial, Judges are more reluctant now than ever before to allow camera coverage of high-profile trials.  This reluctance means that our high-profile trial services will become very popular, as our services will be unique in providing the details, insights, commentary and data to those that follow these events, and are desperately aspiring to obtain. 

10.b.  It has been widely reported that approximately 30% of all criminals incarcerated in our prisons and jails are innocent of at least one or more of the charges they were convicted of perpetrating.  The primary reasons for such failures of our Justice System are due to political or career ambitions of over zealous prosecutors, incompetent defense lawyers, and/or fraudulent evidence provided by various sources.   

10.c.    Judges commonly rule that Television Cameras, or even simple recording devices, are not allowed in their courtroom.  We believe such rulings are designed to hide the rampant failures and flaws of our Justice system from the public.  And further, conceals the times when our justice system  functions accordantly. 

10.d.  In many cases our justice system shops courts, openly selects pro or con jurors based upon their known prejudices and locale opinions, and otherwise uses concealment, lawyer tricks and subterfuge to scam or manipulate our justice system.  We expect our trial analysis to expose such rampant practices to the public regardless of court ordered camera and recording restrictions. 

10.e.  There have been many accounts of Judges fast asleep during high-profile trials, and Judge’s imposing verdicts for crimes that are not only ridiculous, but also represent  a travesty of justice.  The judge’s throwing out cases for obvious conflict of interest purposes (such as allowing casinos to deceive and cheat patrons as occurred in a Federal Court in New Jersey although the Judge’s former law firm was directly connected to the Casinos) and  the Judge in Oklahoma sentencing a convicted  pedophile that was convicted of raping a four-year-old girl to only one year in prison, or a Judge in Kansas sentencing a college student to ten years in prison for possession of a small amount of marihuana, are just a few examples of such travesties. 

10.f.  Trial evidence and details are public information.  Efficient prosecutorial procedures, and efficient defense procedures are well-known, have Bar bench marks, are fairly standard throughout the USA, and even some Prosecutors place a quantitative value on physical and circumstantial evidence, with very basic ratings of a one (1) to ten (10)  value depending upon the type and depth of the evidence.  We believe a  computer program designed to quantify all items of evidence, and evaluate and compare  prosecutor and defense lawyer procedures in respect to acceptable bench marks of efficiency, and compare and evaluate the orders from the Judge, including the amount of times the Judge has been overturned, and the final sentencing of any conviction in comparison to like similar sentences, will provide factual information and conclusions about such selected trials that heretofore were unavailable to the public. 

10.g.  We also believe that our high-profile trial analysis, its related   computer programs and its scientific conclusions could be used by either the Prosecutor or the Defense to support appeals.   

10.h.  Although there are no specific demographics to support our conclusions in respect to our high-profile trail analysis service  other than ratings for those media that report on high-profile crimes and trials, it appears that more people are interested in such trials than vote in the USA.  (See the following URL for a reference to this issue).  http://tinyurl.com/qrf8fs 


 10.i.   A majority of voters believe our Justice system is out of control.  Our  prisons are starting to resemble concentration camps more than they resemble rehabilitation centers.  Considering approximately one out of three U.S. convicts are actually innocent, (and that is a conservative estimate based upon some sources)  the transparency our trial computer analysis will provide the public will go far in reducing or eliminating the travesties of criminal and civil justice that has unfortunately become rampant in the United States. 


11.a.  To reiterate, our proposed Web Site will  represent a completely new concept web site that will automatically and scientifically “best match” the answers our client provides  on a contemporary political issue’s questionnaire to any incumbent’s or candidates past and existing votes, public campaign promises, statements, and representations.  Our computer will also match up our client’s answers to a duplicate questionnaire provided by our company to all political candidates in the client’s local, area or district that are running for election in the next most immediate forthcoming election.  This will include but not be limited to all elect able  Mayoral candidates, Counsel persons, State representatives, Sheriffs, Governors, Judges and District Attorneys. 

11.b.  Candidates for a Judgeship  will be evaluated differently  by the computer program based upon the efficacy, verdicts and sentences of such Judges in respect to key civil and criminal issues.  Challenger candidates for a Judgeship  office  will be evaluated by their refusal or acceptance of a key questionnaire from our web site with verification of their answers or promises, and any and all campaign promises that differ from the incumbent’s. 

11.c.    District Attorney candidates will be evaluated via the criminal cases such candidates have prosecuted or have refused to prosecute, and of course, their conviction percentage.    Challenger candidates for a District Attorney position  will  be evaluated by their refusal or acceptance of a key questionnaire from our web site with verification of their answers or promises, and any and all campaign promises that differ from the incumbent’s. 


12.   Our Web Site will  “best match” all political candidates on the ballot  to the client’s questionnaire answers  in respect to all local and national political candidates running for office in the next most immediate forthcoming election.


13.   Our voter client’s can select a single Key Issue for comparison, analysis,  and to match with any political candidate:   

 13.a.    Our   Web Site will additionally “best match or converge” client to candidate based upon any key political issue, optionally typed in by the client or selected from a multiple choice list of key issues presented by the Web Site.  This best match procedure will match the client’s opinions in regards to the key issue with the best match political candidate’s position, opinion, votes or promises located in the client’s  district and/or  nationally. 


14.    The combined contemporary issue and  political orientation questionnaire will be updated  often to include key issue questions during each election cycle both on a National level, and on a local level for all voters in the locale.  The questionnaire components must be approved, certified statistically correct and nonpartisan  by a bipartisan panel of experts that will be retained by the company to provide such services.   

 14.a.  Our questionnaire must never appear biased, nor slanted, nor even have the possible appearance of any bias or slant toward any political party or candidate.  The bipartisan panel of consultants must insure all questions leaning to the political right or left must be equal in number, and all narrative explaining our questions, pro and con, must contain the precise same amount of words,  and all information provided in the narrative explanations must also be verifiable and often offer a link to on-line  references. 

14.b.     It is absolutely essential the voter client must always be presented with a computer generated, scientific, unbiased and completely accurate list of those political candidates that best match the client’s political and ideological objectives, key issue positions, and political beliefs and opinions.  The voter client will also be presented with a listing of the candidate’s votes, public statements and/or answers to our questionnaire, and all other data upon which our computer program based its conclusions. 

14.c.    If the client wishes, and for an additional nominal fee,  the voter client may also obtain a list of those political candidates that disagree the most with the answers the voter client has provided on the said questionnaire.


15.a.   After a voter client pays a nominal fee, (or the fee is paid on his or her behalf by another entity)  and  receives a special code to enter the questionnaire section, the client will complete a copyrighted,  key issue, political/ideological contemporary questionnaire composed of all necessary (the amount of questions will change between election cycles) contemporary political questions applicable to the most immediate forthcoming election in his or her area, and nationally. 

15.b.    The political, representative, legislative votes and/or campaign promises, and all other verifiable relative statements or representations  of all political candidates, regardless of how minor, in every district in the United States, and elsewhere in any other  nation in the world that conducts elections,  will be compiled by our programs  from all accessible public and private information pertaining to said candidates.  (We will need access to most news reporting agencies). 

15.c.  Political  Candidates will not be allowed to provide information directly to the Web Site’s Directors or panels, nor will any direct communications  be accepted from any such Candidates other than the completion of our Web Site’s questionnaire.  All information our programs will use  about the Candidate will be harvested and compiled from public or private verifiable information by the Web Site directors, or from the answers the candidate has placed and verified with his or her signature on our questionnaire document. 


 16.a.  The success of the Web Site and the matching services and other services it provides will be directly related to the amount of advertising funds used, and the innovative expertise in respect to our national advertising campaigns.  We must advertise our product nationally, and often, to achieve our expected market share of clients and to establish our credibility.   We believe we need an in-house direct marketing advertising expert as an employee. 

16.b.    Depending upon our selection of a CEO, we believe we may need to hire a celebrity spokesperson to initially facilitate our advertising campaigns for the first year.  We also would desire our CEO to be scheduled on as many local and national radio and TV talk shows as possible. (A good Public Relations company can easily arrange this free publicity). 

16.c.  The company that will ultimately own the web site will require the purchasing of a new bank of competent server computers to complete all services for its clients at a very high rate of speed, including all automatic harvesting and downloading procedures that will allow our computers to harvest, download, store and assign all data necessary to provide the services we have promised our clients.  We propose that a programing company be hired by the company to finalize all company programs, and to update our programs as needed.  We do not believe we need to hire an in-house programer. 

16.d.  At this point in time we expect to require ten service employees.  In addition to the ten employees, we will require one assistant manager, and one general manager, in addition to the managers we will also require a working  CEO, First VP, Advertising VP, and comptroller positions.  We also will be required to pay director fees and appropriate fees to our expert questionnaire panel.

 16.e.  The amount of necessary employees could change drastically based upon our (1) amount of advertising dollars spent to advertise our services, (2) whether we list an 800 number along with our web site for potential clients to call instead of just an on-line access, and (3) the period of time prior to an election we determine represents the optimum period to launch our advertising campaigns. (Probably three months prior to the election). 

16.f.  We will require office space that will be adequate for our employees,  equipment and services.  

 16.g.  Security is an important issue not only for our computers (hackers, viruses, etc.) but also for our offices, employees and computer equipment.   We must insure our programs or computers can never be accessed nor  infected  by any outsiders.  Our employees may be approached by those that wish to intimidate or bribe them to present biased information to our clients.  We must repeatedly use key personnel to constantly check and recheck the activities of our employees,  and monitor the information our employees are providing our data bases.  

 16.h.  Considering the following information in respect to Cable advertising costs:   http://tinyurl.com/qp36cf 

        “Executives at both networks estimate that Fox's 30-second commercial spots cost $3,000 to $4,000 during the day and up to $20,000 in prime time, and that CNN's cost $6,000 to $7,000 during the day and up to $30,000 in prime time.” 

16.h.1.    Considering we believe we will need to place at least three T.V. spots per week day on three different channels or cable news networks, place repeated print advertisements in major newspapers and targeted magazines, and place 30 and 60 second spots on radio, for a period of about three months prior to any election,  our advertising budget for the first year should be about two and one half (2.5) million dollars.

16.h.2.  Considering the probable equipment startup costs, payrolls, etc., we will need an additional two million (2 million) dollars in reserve for such costs. 

16.h.3.    Our best estimate for the first year’s operational cost is approximately 4.5 (four and one half)  million dollars, without considering any income derived from clients for the entire year.


Q: Who are the authors and present owners of this new Web Site proposal?

A: Douglas Grant Reiman and Diana Mary Reiman.  Both have extensive management experience in both the Advertising and Casino related School business. 

Mr. Reiman founded and operated “Sigma Advertising Inc.,” which was a direct marketing Advertising Agency that operated in the New York area for several years, and was well-known by most advertising media in that area, including but not limited to ABC radio, NY Post, and dozens of radio and cable media. Mr. Reiman and his schools were featured on the front page of the Newsday newspaper in Long Island, NY, and he was also mentioned or featured in dozens of other similar media, including the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the New York Post.

Mr. Douglas Reiman (a.k.a. “Doug Grant (Tm)”) is also the founder of the famous chain of card counting and poker expertise schools that were located throughout the northeast USA.  (New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania). 

Mr. Reiman founded his extremely popular schools with systems he and other mathematicians invented, and  were certified as “winning systems” by several University Math Professors against most casinos that dealt the game of “21" or Blackjack or Texas hold em Poker.  Mr. Reiman’s methods were certified by at least three Professors of Mathematics at several major Universities, and Mr. Reiman and some of his employees were invited to lecture University Math departments, and several prestigious groups in respect to the inventions and statistical research Mr. Reiman and his team invented and published. 

  The “Doug Grant” schools were located both in Long Island and in Manhattan, Northern New Jersey, Philadelphia, and in Voorhees and Cherry Hill in southern New Jersey, and in the Radisson Flagship Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ. Mr. Reiman’s schools were the *only* gaming schools in existence that were approved for franchises by the State of New York, and were the only schools in which its gaming methods were reviewed and approved by the University of New York which was a requirement prior to said franchise approval. Mr. Reiman’s extremely succesful blackjack teams are legendary in the Blackjack world. 

In contrast to the recent movie “21" which featured a small team of MIT students playing professional Blackjack in Las Vegas, Mr. Reiman’s copyrighted methods of play were used by a team consisting of more than 250 team members, which won hundreds of times more than the MIT team won from American casinos. 

 None of Mr. Reiman’s schools have *ever* fielded a Blackjack or Poker team that lost money.  All of Mr. Reiman’s teams won money.  None have ever failed.  His mathetical prowess is evidenced by his team's successes, and that same inovation and attention to precise detail can be found in this new political web site operations. 

(Mr. Reiman is also a Vietnam Veteran, and he served 15 months in Vietnam, and he further served his country in Korea, France and Germany, and he has Honorable Discharges from both the US Army and the US Marine Corps.) 

Mr. Reiman was also selected by several law firms  to function as an expert witness in several high-profile casino patron versus casino cases, such as the Campione V. Adamar case and other similar cases.  (As a direct result of Mr. Reiman’s testimony and case direction, Mr. Campione was awarded 1.5 million dollars by a Jury due to Casino cheating).

 Mr. Reiman is also a renown expert on system patterns and general analysis, and he along with a Professor of Mathematics discovered the now famous process related to casino games known as “Floating Zones.”  Mr. Reiman owns the exclusive copyright to the innovative mathematical process known as "Floating Zones." 

 Q: Do the authors and owners of this service intend to be employed by the company that owns the Web Site?

 A: No.  The authors will help set up the new company and insure its functions are correct and accurate, and help set up the Advertising campaigns that are necessary to make the company a success,  but then the authors do not wish to participate directly in the daily management of the Web Site company other than perhaps as members of the Board of Directors, and even then those positions will be up to the share holders of the new company to decide.

Q.  Is this proposed web service legal in all areas? 

A: It is possible that some nations, China, or similar, might outlaw our new Web Site.  But at this time we are not aware of any nations that have.  Of course so far, no one has ever seen a web site nor a computer program such as we are proposing.    Since it will remove much of the hyperbole found in politics, some that live or die based upon such funding and resulting hyperbole, may attempt to find a way to discredit or destroy our web site and its services.

 Q.  Will your proposed services impose on or threaten normal media, commentators and talk shows that deal with political issues?

 A. We doubt it, and in fact we believe our services will actually increase viewer ship and ratings for some of these programs.  Of course there would be no pragmatic reason for any voter to listen to nor be interested in all of the hype and bull the media produces about political candidates or political issues once our Web Site has produced a best match political candidate for a voter client. 
However, with that said, those that are interested in such “entertainment programs”  will no doubt wish to continue to be entertained by what we today euphemistically call “news.”  We have determined via our research into this issue that those that are right leaning will listen, watch and read right leaning slanted print and programs, and the same for the left leaning voters watching or reading left leaning programs or print.  We believe many voters will simply wish to reinforce their best match political candidate information by frequenting programs and editorials that agree with their personal ideology. 

A1.  Also note our free voter Registration services we provide all clients:  That service will register many voters that would  normally not be registered, and our voting car pool services on election day will also bring more voters to the voting booths than normal.  The increase in people interested in our political system that we will create via our web site should correspondingly relate to an increase of viewer ship for politically orientated media and print companies.

 Q.  Won’t your Web Site and information completely change the way politics and politicians campaign in the future? 

A.  Perhaps it will.  Consider as an example our comprehensive questionnaire’s influence on the campaign promises and key issue positions of any candidate:    If, as an example, we can provide a 70% or better voter position on any key issue in any district, then what candidate would be stupid enough (if he or she possessed our information via our consultation services of course) to take the wrong side of that issue?  And of course, the reverse would also be true in respect to a candidate changing his position due to a clear voter issue position majority.  All political representatives are supposed to represent the will of the voters and not special interests.  We believe our Web Site will help to  “nudge” all political candidates in the right direction. 

 Q: Why hasn’t anyone thought of this service before and do you own the copyrights and all intellectual rights to the services you have outlined and specified herein? 

A: There have been a few “matching” type programs around for years.  Programs that match dating singles, and even one very subjective site that attempted to match voters with past presidential candidates, but no other site (that we know of) provides the services we provide and/or have invented. 

A1.  We have managed advertising agencies for several years.  We wrote,  produced,  created and placed thousands of direct marketing advertising spots for direct response advertisers.  We studied advertising demographics in detail, and we were always amazed at the potential market of political services to the general public.  Dating services have been matching similar minded prospects for years, and the computer programs necessary to unbiasedly and scientifically match up quantified opinions and ideologies are relatively  easy in respect to  today’s technology.  I suspect others have not invented a similar service due to their lack of knowledge about the potential and the demographics involved in the political and high-profile trial field. 

A2.  According to our lawyers, we exclusively own the intellectual rights and copyrights for any and all  voter/political candidate matching service such as we have outlined and specified herein.

A3.  The key to our service is transparency and irrefutable proof of being unbiased.  If a pirate company located overseas attempts to duplicate our service, then since they are pirating our intellectual property, they would either suffer lawsuits in their locale, or be forced out of business simply because they could not operate in the open and thereby prove their impartiality the same as our company can prove.  Moreover, our company can purchase Intellectual Property Insurance, which would guarantee any company that infringed on our services or intellectual property would face a major lawsuit in the nation in which it was located. 

 Q: What about all the past posts or comments you and others that will be associated with this new company have published or stated? Won’t they indicate a bias?
A: What our company will provide, simply put, is a political consulting service to the public. The public can now hire the best unbiased political consultants in the world for $25 to help them select the candidates that best agrees with their personal ideology, political desires and expectations. They also can hire the best high-profile trial analysis and projection consultation for the same $25 fee. This is quite a bargain considering the work, effort and time any voter would need to spend to harvest what we provide. I cannot imagine a serious voter refusing to spend a paltry $25 to access our wealth of information about his candidates.

A.1: All I and anyone else involved with this company have published or stated in the past in regards to anything political is now moot. All officers and employees will be required to sign not only a non-divulgement agreement, but also an agreement stating they will not state, comment nor publish anything political, under any name, in any format, for the time they are associated with our company. Our personal beliefs will not mean anything if the final questioniare program is constructed and operated correctly. In my particular case I want our Government to succeed, and our political representatives to fulfil their campaign promises.

 I do not care which political party they hail from, only that they are honest and operate with the best interest of the American people. Of course "the best interest of the American people" is always debatable, but a good computer program can sift though the chaff and find the most salient issues and actions that are in fact "in the best interest of the American people - or not."

Q: How is your company structured and how can I become involved in it? 

A1: At this point we are soliciting investors that will collectively own a 50% stock position in the company.  The type of  stock we will sell will initially of course represent “letter”  stock and will initially be limited to no more than twenty shareholders.  We have not yet formed our final company, and the type of company we ultimately will form which  will own all of our intellectual property, ideas and related processes will be based upon the votes of those interested in purchasing shares.  We could start with a Sub chapter “S” corporation, or a “C” corp, or even a limited partnership, whichever would be deemed the most advantageous for our shareholders based upon a shareholder vote.   

A2.  We propose an offering of ten thousand shares in the new company, thereby representing a 50% ownership of the company, at a value of $450 per share, representing the entire first year’s necessary operating capital for the company (representing a total  amount of 4.5 million dollars).  

A3.  We cannot at this time accept any funds from anyone.  We are preparing a list of potential shareholders based upon pledges to purchase “X” amount of shares in this new company.  Once we have obtained enough pledges to purchase all of the shares we are offering to fund the company as so stated, we will then ask for a vote from those future shareholders  as to how they wish to form their company and receive their stock and other related product  ownership. We intend to  allow the shareholders to structure the type of company they wish to structure to represent their best interests within legal limits and in respect to the objective of eventually taking this company public.   

Q.  How will you be paid,  and will you and your wife work for the new company? 

A1:We will assist the company in its initial set up and operations for a  compensation representing only expenses and the same salary the company would pay its permanent CEO and manager.    We will remain as long as (1) The Board of Directors wishes us to do so, and (2) until the company is fully operational and successful.  However, after three months or so, if the company agrees with our departure, and after a permanent CEO has been hired, we would then resign from our company positions and exclusively function on behalf of the company on the board of directors.  At that time we would not receive any payroll nor any other direct compensation  from the company other than director fees, expenses,  and of course our  dividends and/or share of the profits or dividends.  The only other compensation we would expect the company might decide to pay us  would be company pre approved expenses if I am chosen to travel to talk shows or other similar programs on behalf of the company.    I have a very colorful background, and my background may or may not be helpful to the company depending upon the image the board wishes to convey.   

A.1.a.  Please understand we do not believe the functions nor the operations of this new company will be difficult nor complicated compared to many of our other enterprises.  In fact, this company is NOT “Rocket Science.”  It is a relatively simple, straightforward direct advertising and response company that has a tremendous potential for profit.  This new company is the type of company we have created and operated many times before that dealt  with much more complicated and difficult products and services. 

A2:  We expect to make our money from the profits of the company, and from its initial public offering in the future.  As board members we can expertly advise on the advertising and promotions necessary to insure the success of the company, and of course, in respect to other issues.  We are very innovative and experienced people when it comes to business management and advertising.  Please remember this is a direct advertising sustaining and driven company. 

Q: Where will the company be located and what laws will it be governed by? 

A1.  We expect the company to be located in the USA, in a state most beneficial for taxes and other benefits including employee availability and security.  The final location we choose  would ultimately be a choice for our shareholders.     

A2.  When the company offers its services to voters from other nations, of course we will be required to register our company (or form subsidiaries, franchises, whatever the board recommends)  in those respective  nations.  We would of course then be subject to the laws of the nation and states our companies ultimately decide will represent our foreign  corporate addresses.

Q: Are you willing to place your representations and statements herein in respect to you and your wife’s  compensation and expenses  in a written shareholder agreement?   

A.  Yes, of course.

 Q.  Are you willing to substantiate to our lawyers and accountants the statements and representations you have made in this proposal? 

A.  Yes, of course. 

Sample Advertisement for our web site: (Radio, TV or print). (Bold represents emphasis).

 “Do you know which candidate REALLY agrees with your political expectations and beliefs?  Do you really know if you are being lied to by these politicans?  If you listen to politicians and political pundits for years would you ever truly know which candidate best agrees with your personal political beliefs and will  best represent you before you vote?   

There is really only one way to know for sure:  Visit our web site “Wethepeoplethruth.com” and we will provide you with the name of each candidate on your ballot that best agrees with your political beliefs, ideals and expectations - and this includes all voter propositions and referendums as well.  For a one time fee of only $25 -  you will never need to listen to a politician ever again!   

We will even print out a sample ballot for you pre-marked for your locale and district indicating all candidates that best agree with your political beliefs and expectations.  Our best matching candidate to voter computer programs are completely unbiased, and we hold nor will ever demonstrate any political bias or affiliation. 

For once, all you will receive from your politician is “the plain truth!” Call XXX or visit “Wethepeopletruth.com” for more information and your sample ballot.”  


Douglas Grant Reiman


End page 1-30 of proposal and web site services.

PO BOX 1629, RIDGEFIELD, WA 98642 TEL 360-727-4523

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